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Mental Health

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College students today are facing pressures from every direction — school, family, work, money, friends, you name it! Concerns and issues may arise that have a negative impact on your academic performance and may even impact your ability to participate in daily activities. Considering that approximately 1 in 5 adults in the United States experiences mental illness in a given year, it is essential that you take your mental health seriously!

Do you know someone in need of help or support? Notify the College of your concerns by submitting a Care and Concern Report.

Report a Care or Concern

Information & Resources

Explore the information and resources below to learn more about mental health issues and concerns or find the help you need.

This is not an exhaustive list of all resources available and is not meant to take the place of professional advice from a qualified mental health specialist. Inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement nor does omission indicate disapproval. CWI is not responsible for the content, claims, or representations of the listed sites.